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Diane M. Maruszewski - Director, Rehabilitation Services, MA, CRC, LPC, CCM, CBIS

Director, Rehabilitation Services

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."

Diane is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Case Manager, and Certified Brain Injury Specialist. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Audiology and Speech Sciences and a Master of Arts degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and Community Inclusion. 

As the Director of Rehab Services, she coordinates and supervises the operations of the department and maintains performance improvement activities within the department. She also assures the competence of all nurses, vocational and office staff. She is in charge of product development activities including the MCCA market surveys and oversite of this service.

She is adept at conducting Vocational Assessments, performing Transferable Skills Analyses, developing Rehabilitation Plans, providing labor market research and job development/placement assistance. Diane has wide-ranging experience supervising and delivering quality Vocational Case Management services to individuals receiving workers' compensation and auto no-fault benefits.  Diane is also experienced at providing expert testimony.