EDI Options
ReviewWorks receives correspondence electronically via direct dial up, e-mail, or web based secure FTP sites. On the return end, we electronically export payment recommendations directly into your claim Management programs. Most importantly, ReviewWorks IT specialists establish the method of data transfer and format to deliver our data to your specifics. Simply put, we adjust to meet your exact needs rather than asking you to adapt your technology to ours.
Imaging Center
Let ReviewWorks Imaging Center scan and index your documents taking the burden off your claims staff while enhancing the image quality and reducing errors. ReviewWorks scans and maintains all correspondence submitted for review. This is true both for imaged documents received electronically as well as paper documents received through mail or courier.
Web Portal Capabilities
ReviewWorks Secure Web Portal is the state of the art web application program that allows customers password protected access to all of their submitted documents as well as corresponding Explanation of Reviews (EORs) via our website. Through secure on-line access, customers view, print, and confirm the status of all submitted bills 24/7. All information is indexed by claim number for easy to access convenience.
Electronic Mail Room
After establishing a means to receive electronic claim information from our customer, ReviewWorks can receive bills electronically directly from the provider. This dramatically reduces transfer time and most importantly, eliminates the manual task of receiving, sorting, and scanning bills by your staff.
Provider Virtual Payment